We Aim to Minimise

The corporate and live events industry is often extremely wasteful and short lived. It spends little time being concerned for longevity or the consequences of its existence. But this is what we do and this is our industry – so we are working hard to change by example.

We aim to minimise our impact on the environment wherever possible and make efforts to cancel out the damage in other ways.

Recycle and Reuse - Off cut wood image


Reuse and Recycle

Wherever possible, rather than throwing anything away, we rehome items through family charities, play centres and freecycle sites. Where something is not reusable, we recycle almost everything about it – wood, plastic, metal, fabric, paper, cardboard, glass. The majority of wood is reused right here in Derby to heat our warehouse throughout the colder months.  We are also continuously reducing our plastic packaging usage to one day aim to be plastic free.

Wind turbines at dusk


Renewable Energy

All of our warehouse and office electricity is sourced solely from renewable supplies – wind, water and tidal. All our day to day office supplies are ethically and organically sourced.


Woodland Trust - Planting Day

It’s important for us to do what we can to help our environment. Read about how we worked alongside the Woodland Trust to help them move closer towards the goal of planting 250,000 trees at the Young People’s Forest Mead.


Leveling out Inequality

We’re in a fortunate place here at Presentation Design Services. We’re really good at what we do and that means that we’re a growing, stable and successful company – and we make profit.

However, we are strong believers in compassionate capitalism. Growing strong and profitable as a company walks hand in hand with a responsibility to support those for whom life is a much greater struggle.

We accept that we exist in a world where there is an enormous variation in the distribution of wealth and resources and being on the lucky side of that imbalance is not something we take lightly. We give constant financial support to chosen charitable organisations locally and internationally in an effort to help even out the inequality.

“The highest use of capital is not to make more money but to make money do more for the betterment of life.”
Henry Ford


Working Hard For Those Less Fortunate

We would like to share with you one example of our support for people working hard for those less fortunate.

School Children with drinks in pink uniform

Ronaken School, Nakuru, Kenya

We sponsor a food programme in Ronaken School in Western Kenya through grass roots charity Start Small.

Over 200 children who are likely to get no other food in their lives are fed at the school every day, entirely funded by our sponsorship. We pay for the food, we pay for the staff who cook it and we pay the charity to facilitate the work.

Are you one of our clients? Whilst you eat your lunch today, be aware that you also helped give lunch to some of the poorest kids in the world.
If you want to find out more about the Start Small charity click on the button below.